Friday, July 20, 2018

A New Blog On Changes In The Church

Why aren’t people coming to church like they used to?

It’s a question that most church leaders are asking these days. Heck, it’s THE question that most church leaders are asking these days. It’s a reality that has been discussed, debated, studied, and measured so much that people are sick of hearing about it.

So this blog won’t address that question. Not directly, at least, although it will touch on the various theories that are out there as to why the North American church is in decline - including, but not limited to the the following:

- Resistance to change
- Inward focus
- Intolerant and hateful attitudes, especially toward women and the LGBT community
- Lack of concern for poverty, racism, and other social issues
- Ongoing sexual misconduct scandals
- Preaching focused on fear and threats of eternal damnation
- Being boring and uninspiring
- No longer being the cultural center of society
- Other cultural changes beyond our control

Using these explanations as a backdrop, this blog will focus in on the specific practices of the church as we try to respond and move forward into whatever this shift is bringing - from worship to education to evangelism to polity to outreach and mission. It will also examine how these practices derive from the core doctrines and traditions of the church, how we make assumptions about them, and how God might be calling us rethink some of what we consider to be foundational.

I invite you to read, comment, and even submit your own blogs to be published here. I enjoy a healthy and respectful debate, and don't mind people telling me they think I'm wrong.

I also would like to have a variety of voices represented here. If you have written something relating to this topic, please submit it to

For now, here's a funny picture that reveals some of the practices and attitudes we are being called to move past.

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